Micro-Sys A1 Sitemap Generator v1.4.9 英文正式版(網站地圖索引生成工具軟體) 破解說明:
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Micro-Sys A1 Sitemap Generator 是一款適合個人和企業網站的高性能,網站地圖索引
生成工具,支援 XML 格式以及傳統的 HTML 格式.發佈說明:破解版。 英文說明:
Generate sitemaps for your website, be that HTML, Google XML or ASP.Net
sitemaps.Rich template support for generating sitemaps and near-endless
scanning options. The scanning engine stores vast amounts of data so
that you can, among other things, view full report on broken and
redirected links (wherefrom and whereto). 相關商品: